3raumkoje • last_house
last house

münster, allemagne
2001 | travail d'étude

„performing postparadise
[a house* and a garden**]

|*/**] together quite one sexy site" [1]

the last ›house‹ befor leaving the postparadise, is where you can ›see the radishs from below‹ [german idiom for ›to be pushing up daisies‹]. this is also our last ›garden‹ – and we will get part of it.

[1]marc mer: sujet/titre/texte pour le cours de master en architecture "experimente raumbildender kunst" à l'université msa | münster school of architecture pendant semestre d'hiver 2001/02. © marc mer / archiv mer.msa / vg wort, munich